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C O N T E N T ST A B L E O F6D I S A B I L I T I E SC L A S S I F I E D4I N C O M E I S T H EF O U N D T I O N1 2U N D E R S T A N D I N G D I S A B I L I T Y I N C O M E I N S U R A N C E 8R O N ' S S T O R Y1 8C O N T A C T U S10P R O G R A M S T H A T P A YD I S A B I L I T Y B E N E F I T S

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Life insurance is a no-brainer formost people. Everyone acknow-ledges that death is inevitable atsome point and people whohave loved ones understand thefinancial consequences ofleaving them unprotected. Being unable to work and earnan income, seems to be a muchINCOME:The Foundationharder image to imagine.When asked to think ofconditions that would causesomeone to be unable towork, most people think ofspinal cord or traumaticbrain injuries that result inpermanent and devastatingdamage. In fact permanentand total disabilities are theleast common.

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Dwelling on all the things that couldhappen to cause someone to lose theability to earn a living might be describedas being pessimistic at best, debilitatinglyneurotic at worst. However, dismissing therisk as something that only happens toothers is financially reckless. Dependingupon your age, your most valuable assetmay be your ability to earn a living. (seethe calculator on page 14) The majority of disabilities are neithertotal nor permanent, but can still befinancially devastating. The question we allshould be asking ourselves is, “How longwould I be able to pay my bills with areduced income or no income?”.Many disabilities that are not physiological,but psychological can be just asdevastating. Because these disabilities maynot be are apparent to others, support ismore difficult to obtain. They are moredifficult to prove for either public or privateassistance. 1 I N 4 O F T O D A Y ' S 2 0 Y E A R - O L D S W I L LS U F F E R A D I S A B I L I T Y B E G O R E T H E YR E T I R E .

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A Total and Permanent disability is certainly themost devastating, but it is not the only kind thataffects the ability to earn a living. People oftenassociate this classification with a calamitousaccident leaving a person wheelchair-bound.However, a surgeon or a graphic designer withcarpal tunnel syndrome that is inoperable couldalso fall into this category depending on theterms of the insurer.That same person whose carpal tunnel wasoperable and recovered would be classified asTotal & Temporary since he/she would be ableto resume the normal functions of his/her jobupon discharge from treatment. An example of Partial & Permanent disabilitymight be someone with heart disease. Thatperson may be able to work, but not at fullcapacity. Some cardiac conditions areoperable but some like congestive heart failuremay be either permanent or progressive. T H E A V E R A G E D I S A B I L I T Y C L A I ML A S T S 3 4 . 6 M O N T H S .

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Soft tissue injuries or diseases like Lymedisease can slow someone down and impactwork efficiency. However, the symptomsassociated with these examples mayultimately disappear and so they would fallunder the heading of Partial and Temporary. Progressive disabilities may begin as partialand over time result in total disability. MultipleSclerosis, Multiple Dystrophy, Parkinson’s, ALS,Cystic Fibrosis, COPD Lewy body dementia,Alzheimer’s all progressive.THE NUMBER OF IMPAIRMENTS THAT CAN DIMINISH THE ABILITY TO EARN INCOME IS INFINITE

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RON'S STORYA horrific bicycling accident should havekilled Ron Gold in 2011, but instead, hesurvived more than two dozen life-threatening surgeries after a sleepingdriver plowed into him on a quiet countryroad. The tragedy left Ron paralyzed witha permanently crushed spine andinstantly cut short his successful careeron Wall Street. Following his accident, Ron figured a wayto address some of America’s brokenhome care issues. As a consumer of theservices he offers his clients, heunderstands the way families hire homehealth aides and the issues they face. Assomeone who needs home care himselfeach day, Ron’s answer was to form anew company. LeanOnWe, allowsfamilies to select, employ and manageexperienced, highly recommendedcaregivers from its pre-screened rosterof candidates. Ron and his wife, Betsy,conceived the idea, and then brought onthe team to execute it.Prior to the accident, Ron enjoyed a 25-RON GOLD: family man, successfulentrepreneur, athlete, motivationalspeaker and accident survivoryear career on Wall Street, most recentlyas a Managing Director at Barclays Bank, and Lehman Brothers before that. Heused his Wall Street background to raisethe initial funding and develop themarketing channels and industrypartners.While at Barclays, the firm introduced anindividual supplemental DisabilityIncome Insurance plan to complementthe firm’s group plan. He realized thatmuch had changed in the 25 yearssince purchasing his original individualpolicy. With a family of five, a largermortgage as well as college tuitions andweddings ahead of him, he decided toincrease his coverage just in case.THE ADDITIONAL COVERAGE BECAMEEFFECTIVE ONE MONTH BEFORE HISDEVASTATING ACCIDENT!CLICK HERE TO VEW VIDEO

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the elderly is Ron's drive for ameaningful career is still strongand he is too young to retire. It was the confluence of need,a consumer's understanding ofthe shortcomings in the homecare industry and hisentrepreneurial drive that wasthe impetus to createLeanOnWe. Ron's first became exposed to homehealth care as his parents became frailand needed more and more help. Henever imagined that he would everneed this type of care at such a youngage. The difference between Ron and LEARN MORE ABOUT LEANONWE Ron's fortuitous decision to review and increase his disability income coverage alongwith all that LeanOnWe has taught him about long-term care costs has shaped hisviews on insurance. Most people have not considered the impact of needing care atyoung or older ages. and have therefore neither saved nor planned for thepossibility. This knowledge has compelled him to become a strong proponent and advocatefor Disability Income, Long-Term Care and hybrid life insurance coverages toprotect families and lifestyles. He urges people to Plan, Prepare and Protect. The fact that Ron is no longer insurable drives home the urgency of planning for theunexpected.

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Programs thatPay DisabilityBenefitsWorkman's CompensationWorkmen’s Compensation is a mandated government program. It provides abenefit for those who suffer an injury that is sustained while performing tasksassociated with their employment. It does not provide benefits for loss of incomeresulting from illness. It does not provide benefits for injuries sustained notassociated with employment. If you are injured from a fall from a ladder whilecleaning the gutters on your roof, you are not eligible for benefits. If your injury on the job is a result of employernegligence, you will forfeit your right to bringsuit if you accept benefits from Workman’sComp. Workman’s Comp is regulated by theindividual states unless the employer is afederal agency. It does not provide benefits forillness in any jurisdiction. M O S T D I S A B I L I T Y C L A I M S A R E N O T W O R KR E L A T E D .

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Social Security Disability InsuranceSocial Security Disability Income is a federalprogram that pays benefits to people withdisabilities or who have suffered injuries.Benefits may also be available for somefamily members. Like Social Security retirement benefits, youmust have worked for a specified number ofyears to be eligible. Benefits are paid on thebasis of financial need. Average paymentsare currently between $800 and$1,800/month with $3,011 the maximum as of2020. To be considered disabled under thisprogram, you must not be able to performany substantial gainful activity due to amedical or physical impairment. In otherwords, partial disability is not covered. The Social Security Administration initiallydenies two-thirds of SSI of first-timeapplications. A significant amount of timewithout income while waiting for a claim to beapproved can be a hardship for many. contact SSA for more info

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Employer Group Long Term Disability - LTDEmployer sponsored LTD is a great convenience. However,be sure you understand what is covered and what isn't.What is the definition ofdisability?Can I get more coverage as myincome increases?If I leave the company, can Itake my coverage with me? withme?Will my benefits rise with thecost of living? How long will can I remain onclaim? How much of my income iscovered? Wages & Bonuses?

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UnderstandingDisabilityIncomeInsuranceLOSING YOUR INCOMELOSING YOUR INCOMELOSING YOUR INCOMEDUE TO AN ILLNESS OR ACCIDENTDUE TO AN ILLNESS OR ACCIDENTDUE TO AN ILLNESS OR ACCIDENTIS AN ABSTRACT IDEAIS AN ABSTRACT IDEAIS AN ABSTRACT IDEA.......UNTIL IT ISN'T.......UNTIL IT ISN'T.......UNTIL IT ISN'TDisability Income Insurance can be confusing. Each company offers differentoptions or riders and names these riders differently. Some insurance companieshave better coverage for professionals and some are better for tradespeople andblue collar workers. Some of the best known insurers will not accept applications for specific medicalconditions or occupations. In these cases, the agent may be able to find otheroptions with companies that specialize in what is commonly referred to as high riskcases. Most insurance companies will allow theapplicant to purchase up to 65% of theirincome. If the applicant has a policy ineffect through an employer, the totalamount of coverage will still be limitedto 65%.*When individual coverage is purchasedby the insured, the benefit when received will not be subject to incometax. If the individual has coveragethrough work and the premium is paidby the employer, the benefit will betaxable. Since group policies usuallylimit benefits to 60% of salary, therecould be a significant shortfall whenevery dollar counts. *If you have purchased private DI insurance before beingcovered by an employer plan, the benefit can exceed 65%

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Limits on Private Disability IncomeIn addition to medically qualifying for DI, applicants must provide informationabout their income and occupation As you can imagine, some occupations are inherently more dangerous thanothers. Insurance companies take that into account when pricing theirpolicies and classify occupations accordingly. Rates for a construction workerwill be higher than for a lawyer. While there is no prohibition against owning more than one policy, insurancecompanies will consider the total amount of insurance an applicant has whenmaking an offer. The total amount of insurance permitted in all companies iscalled a Participation Limit and it will vary from company to company. Participation limits also pertain to very high income earners. The amount ofcoverage cannot exceed the participation limits even if the limit is below 65%of their income. How much insurance can you get?

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A policy that stipulates “Own Occupation” means that a person who can no longerperform the duties of his/her profession because of illness or injury is eligible forbenefits even if he/she could be employed in another capacity. The typical example is that of a surgeon who has suffered an injury to his hand andcan no longer perform surgery. He/she can collect full benefits even though he isable to continue as a doctor in another capacity, like teaching in a medical schoolor working as a family practitioner. A Loss of Income policy might also pay the surgeon the same benefit. Theinsurance company cannot compel the doctor to change careers. However, if thedoctor decided he wanted to work at a lower paying job, the insurance companywould pay a benefit but the benefit but would be offset by the amount of hiscurrent income. A 50% decrease in income would result in a 50% reduction ofbenefits. Key Components of Private Disability Income InsuranceOwn Occupation vs Loss of Income policies

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Key Components of Private Disability Income InsuranceMaintaining ValueCoverage needs to be able to grow in value over time for two reasons: Inflation erodes the purchasing power of the dollar People’s income and expenses increase as their career progresses Most private policies offer annual cost of living increases riders. The increases mayincrease the premiums but the insured doesn’t have to accept the increases. Most policies also have a feature that allows the insured to purchase morecoverage as income rises. These Future Insurability riders require proof of increasedincome but don’t require any proof of health. Even if the insured’s health hasdeclined, the ability to increase coverage is assured. Finite BenefitsOnce on claim, benefits are paidmonthly for a specified period of time.Benefit periods may be as short as 2years or until age 65. Somecompanies will allow longer coverageis the insured can prove continuedemployment. For some occupationsthe insured has a number of optionsto choose from. For occupations thatare deemed less stable or carrygreater risk of injury, the insured mayonly be offered a 2 or 5 year benefit. Do you know the value of your future earnings? click image to calculateHow much is at stake?   INCOME RISK CALCULATOR

Calculate the amount of income you stand to lose if you became unable to work today. The income at risk does not include inflation or raises over the years.

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Why me?Food for ThoughtMost who receive a diagnosis of a long-term debilitating illness neveranticipated it.Accidents, by definition, are not planned. Bad things only happen to "the other guy" until you become that "other guy" Workman’s Comp only covers accidents that occur at workWhen deciding what to insure, many consider only the cost of the insurance. Thecost to insure your smartphone or large appliances may seem small in relation toreplacement costs. Disability Income Insurance is not inexpensive, but it is the consequences ofsuffering a disability can be life-altering in more ways than one. Don't be "The Other Guy" without Disability Income Insurance.IS THERE A GAPIS THERE A GAPIS THERE A GAPIN YOURIN YOURIN YOURDISABILITYDISABILITYDISABILITYCOVERAGE?COVERAGE?COVERAGE?

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